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The Call Centre Industry Partner Of Choice

Com2 Communications are an industry partner in call centre solutions and contact centre systems, and paired with the power of an Avaya IP Office, Alcatel Lucent and Panasonic phone systems, will give you a definite edge, lifting your business productivity and profitability

A Multimedia Call Centre phone system from Com2 will equip your business with the following invaluable tools:

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• Have real-time stats of your contact centre activity at your fingertips with agent and supervisor desktop applications and wall board so that you can ensure your call centre is running as efficiently as possible!

• Agent desktop control modules give your agents access to their phones at the click of a mouse. All will have visibility of who is available and who is busy across your corporate phone system. Say goodbye to bungled call transfers and endless phone tag!​

• Reduce your call abandonment rates and call handling times so that you get the most out of every customer contact​

• Increase your customer satisfaction with intelligent call routing, making sure they speak to the right department, first time!​

• Give priority to and route regular callers straight to the agent they last spoke to, along with their call history for the agent to see.​

• Targeted in-depth reporting to help you better manage your resources and staff​

• Record both your voice calls and your agent’s desktop to evaluate agent performance on customer calls and in managing their input and information. A fantastic tool for staff training and quality assurance!

• Automate routine queries, such as account balances, and free up your skilled staff for the calls you really want them to take.​

• Manage peaks and troughs in call volume by offering your customers a callback option, increasing customer satisfaction and ensuring better usage of your staff resources​

• Multimedia functionality combines all your communication channels into the one portal. Queue your calls, emails, faxes, SMS and social media interactions to be handled by your call centre staff quickly and efficiently, and in the order they were made, so that your company can respond quickly to your customer enquiries, no matter what media they arrive on.

• Maximise productivity with Outbound Contact Centre solutions. You can reach out to your customers during off-peak periods by automatically dialling outbound calls when agents are available or idle, ensuring your agents are as productive as possible​

• Integrate with Outlook and CRM (Customer Relationship Manager) to speed up customer interactions by screen-popping customer details and/or automatically updating call history and store call recordings into the platform of your choice​

Your Call Centre Is Different To Others

Com2 knows that no two call centres are the same. You have different products, services, customers, markets, staffing requirements, CRMs, software, ordering processes, departments, locations and more! So don't get a generic call centre solution!! Be Different!

Customised Call Centre Solutions

As your call centre is different, we design customised bespoke contact centre solutions built around your businesses needs. We find features that solve your problems and build environments you can control, manage, monitor and drive to get fantastic results.

Global Leading Call Centre Features

We have a veritable toolkit for call centres! From the basics of Call Recording and Call Reporting, Call Queuing, IVR's and Inbound Number management through to Outbound Dialling, Email Queuing, Self Service, Business Automation and more! Lets Talk.



Call Centre Phone Systems​

No need to look at multiple suppliers – Com2 deliver end to end call centre solutions.

Com2’s works with the global leaders in telephony and phone system solutions. This means when we assist you in designing your contact centre solution, we assist you in choosing the right PABX solution for your contact centre.

Our phone system range includes Avaya IP Office which also has the Avaya IPOCC (IP Office Contact Centre) solution, The Panasonic Phone Systems range including the NS1000, NS700, NSX1000, NSX2000 and TDE600 range, we can also build solutions to work with your current phone system, regardless of brand, talk to our team to understand the possibilities.

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Call Centre Call Recording

Recorded communications make the conversation matter…

Managing teams of people, you come to understand one thing quickly. Conversations matter. Recorded conversations provide a huge amount of detail and opportunity as a call centre manager, team leader and agent.

For the Manager – you can take snapshots of how the centre is running, how the customers perceive the business and what the customer experience is like from a customers perspective. There are key takeaways that can be fed to stake holders for broader business changes.

For the Team Leader – assisting agents maximise their performance so that they can be the most successful they can be happens through conversation. Listening to their own conversations and those of high performers allows team to perform at the height of their best member.

For the Agent – Feedback is essential. With feedback an agent can become better, sell more or provide a greater level of service and out perform themselves day after day.

Skills Based Call Routing

Have the right customers talk to the expert who can solve their needs.

Every call centre has its experts. They are passionate about one product, feature or delivering a particular service so much so that they are the best person for the customer requiring assistance for that need to talk to.

By utilising skills based routing you can make sure that where ever possible the client inquiry is matched to the call centre agent. You can then give lower skilled agents lower priority for those enquiries.

As agents are trained in the different parts of the business, they can have their skills re-rated and climb in priority, as a manager you can constantly improve the performance and customer satisfaction of the call centre floor in the constant pursuit of perfection.

Webchat & Social Media Queues

Communicate with customers in their way and you will always be connected…

The world has changed, is changing and will continue to move at the speed of ideas and modern contact centres need to communicate with customer through the different communication platforms that are rising out of technological change.

The next generations are going to be more connected and require greater responsiveness. This is where webchat and social media integration into the agent queues makes a quick and low impact change to the workload of agents but a huge change in outcomes for your customers.

Communicate via a webchat window on your website, via Facebook and by Twitter and keep in touch with the opinions and questions your customer have about your products and especially your customer service.

Talk to the Com2 team about how webchat and social media queueing can be integrated into your call centre today – 1300 887 495.

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In Depth Call Reporting

Having the tools to see what is happening in your business allows you to make informed decisions.
Each call has a volume of information and data stored in it. From the moment a call enters your call centre, you should be able to see which number was dialled, how long your caller waited in queue, which agent answered it, how many times the agent put the customer on hold, who they transferred the call to, how long they spoke for and how many calls a day that agent takes and results they have from these calls…

Business makes decisions based on results. You hire new staff based on needs. You fire people based on poor performance, but how can you do all these things without time critical results and information at you fingertips… Lets talk! Com2 are experts in call reporting now matter how big your needs!

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