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High Speed Internet Services Delivered By Fibre Are A Game Changer!

It’s Time to Change How you Connect to the World!

When we look at the current state of the internet market we have very few options that really solve problems. The only way that businesses can move to cloud or off premise hosted solutions such as office 365 is by accessing the array of symmetric services available in todays market.

With the advent of large scale fibre deployments, we are now giving the latest and greatest pipes to the market place to clients of all sizes and it has become remarkably cost effective to do it.

The Com2 products of Fibre 100, Fibre 200, Fibre 400 and now even Fibre 500 are now giving clients an unprecedented access to the internet, with sites able to now completely operate out of cloud hosting which extends availability of businesses resources beyond the front door of the traditional bricks and mortar and out into the big business world.

On of our clients in the Architectural sphere has recently relocated their offices and is now taking advantage of 400Mpbs for voice, data and cloud hosted solutions.

Major Benefits extend into all facets of business, but here are a few that matter to businesses – small, medium, large or enterprise:

Offsite Backups

Gone are the days of letting off site backups happening in between scheduled hours of 10pm and 4am. Now you can get your business backed up in real time, restoration back to the last 30 seconds and access to active active desktops via DaaS means you will never wish you saved before a power outage, it’s still there waiting for you!

Video and Audio Chat

Multisite organisations still travel WAY TOO MUCH! Reducing this becomes a breeze when you can do high definition streaming video and audio broadcasts and talk face to face in real time with very little cost in outlay for videoconferencing equipment or conference phones that now play well in the VoIP or SIP arena.


It may seem micro – but so much of the current work life is spent researching new and innovative ways to solve problems or accessing the plethora of information available and required for any business to perform at its peak. Slow connections create a mass of lost time so moving to high speed fibre browsing cuts time and increases the effectiveness of research undertaken by work teams.

Everything as a Service

No more upfront costs! The world is now subscription based, pay per user and delivered as a fully maintained and managed service. Com2 offer DaaS (Desktop as a Service) PaaS (Platform as a Service) Hosted PBX or Phone System as a Service, IaaS (Infrastructure) aka servers and virtual space in Australian data centres and more.

Looking for that highspeed internet link and want to know if you can get Fibre?

Call the Com2 Communications team on 1300 887 495 or use one of our enquiry forms and we will be in touch in no time! 

Digital Particle and Light flow. Digital Cyberspace and Data Net

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