
What are the differences between 1300 & 1800 Numbers?

1300 and 1800 numbers are quickly becoming a tool every business needs. Both numbers are offering great benefits and include lots of features (click here for a great feature overview) and other operating functions. When it comes to these two numbers, people generally want to know and understand what the differences between the two are. Which number is best to be used for your business?

Which One Is Better?

Well, both of these numbers come with the exact same functions and features that are set up the same way. In that regard alone, they are identical. Both of them are nationwide numbers, both numbers are portable and both numbers have no geographic restrictions. There are also a wide range of call handling and routing features that a business can fully tailor to fit specific business needs.

Both 1300 and 1800 numbers are only for incoming calls. With all that said for what makes these two numbers identical, what are the differences? The differences come with regard to costs for the caller and the account holder. Continue reading now as we get into the differences between 1300 and 1800 numbers.

Costs For The Caller

1300 Numbers:

When placing a call to a 1300 number from any landline in Australia, the caller gets charged the cost of making a local call. Because of that, 1300 numbers are usually called “local rate numbers”. The costs are higher if the call is coming from a mobile device and is determined by the mobile service provider.

1800 Numbers:

When a call is placed to an 1800 number, the call is absolutely free when placed from any phone in Australia (including mobile phones). Because of that, 1800 numbers are usually referred to as “free call numbers” or “toll free numbers”.

Costs for the Account Holder:

Account holders are charged for every incoming call received no matter if they have a 1300 or 1800 number. Those costs depend on where the caller calls from. The big difference here is the rate at which the calls are charged.

1300 number holders are usually charged less because the costs are shared with the person placing the call.

The1800 account holder is therefore charged more because their service allows the customers to save on their end of the call.

There are three places a call can originate and each comes with a different call rate. What are these call origination distinctions? Here they are:
1. Local calls (calls from inside the same area the number is routed to).
2. National calls (landline calls that come from outside the local area).
3. Mobile calls (calls that come from a mobile device anywhere in Australia).

Over the years, competition between Inbound 1300 and 1800 numbers has continued to help drive down costs on each. Therefore, 1800 numbers are becoming more affordable than ever.

Whether you’re looking for a 1300 or 1800 number, you can definitely find some great options for your business and the team at Com2 Communications is there to help. As you bookmark and share this information with others, feel free to reach out to the team by clicking here or calling 1300 887 495 for the best information and assistance

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