avaya ip office phones

The Economies of Teleworking with Avaya IP Office

Call it teleworking, hotdesking, or just working from home; latest internet and teleworking technologies not only provide a healthy boost to the economy, the environmental benefits of teleworking are also rather compelling, especially with our ever increasing population and stretched to capacity infrastructure.
Well known studies have found that emissions from traffic congestion is to blame for 17% of all emissions generated by domestic transport. Com2 knows all to well that multinationals in particular are well aware of the benefits of teleworking. Take the well known company Cisco as an example.  90% cent of their 75,000 worldwide workforce teleworks at least once a week. As well as drastically reducing their carbon footprint, Cisco’s teleworking also saves the company billions annually.
image of man teleworking from home
Cisco claim to have gained about $250 million per year in productivity, $220 million of that just by reducing staff travel.  They found that by using collaborative phone system technology, allowing their employees to connect to their IT and corporate telephone system from anywhere in the world, including from home, they saved 79 hours per employee by avoiding their commute. Their employees didn’t use that time to go to the beach, 70% of that saved time the employees use for work.  Not only that, by allowing staff to connect to their phone system from remote locations, they found they didn’t need a desk for every employee and were able to save an additional $1 billion by reducing the requirement for real estate.
Deloitte has also thrown their hat into the teleworking ring by stating that by teleworking, workers have happier family lives and greater wellbeing, the end result being a healthier workforce. With greater flexibility employees suffer less stress, cholesterol problems and heart disease, in turn reducing absenteeism and sick leave.  Cisco has stated that they save over $75 million each year by avoiding employee turnover; a result of having a happier workforce.
The benefits aren’t only for multinationals.  With advancement in the small and medium size telephone systems, the benefits of teleworking are there to be experienced for the small business also.  Our Avaya IP Office telephone systems have the technology to make your workforce mobile for very little cost.  There are varying degrees by which you can equip your staff to telework.  You can start with the Avaya phone system out of the box capability for mobile twinning, then there are the more advanced collaborative tools such as IP softphones, remotely connected IP handset(s) at your staff’s home, or the latest innovation of Avaya Flare.  All these options allow your mobile and home workers to connect directly into your telephone system, giving them all the functions of your phone system as though they were sitting in the next booth – but they could be anywhere in the world!  The better news is that you don’t need to break the bank on either your phone system or your IT to start teleworking.  These technologies are surprisingly very affordable and definitely within easy reach of any business. 
Please feel free to call Com2 on 1300 887 495 and talk to us about how we can help you start teleworking today using the power of the Avaya IP Office phone system

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