@ Best Prices
Reduce Costs
Scalable For Growth
Business Security
Resilient Data Links
Direct out of the data centre, Com2 get you connected on high speed links to all of your business sites. You can link to the data centre via IP VPN, Fibre, EOC, EFM or Microwave wireless with redundancy solutions available for failover and the highest level of business redundancy. Com2 have access to a range of data solutions that enable your business to work efficiently. Link your multiple sites and gain connectivity and redundancy.
Reduce Expences
Combined into your monthly hosted data centre fees are costs such as cooling, uninterrupted power, even hardware maintenance and software updates if you utilise cloud facilities. Think what your business plan looks like if you remove the costs of upgrading your IT infrastructure every 3 – 5 years, remove the maintenance costs and the issues with growth and finding additional resources. Bundle and reduce costs with one solution.
Cloud and virtualised IT gives you the ability to grow quickly and only pay for the resources you are using. The traditional forms of IT management would have you buying additional servers, moving resources from one service to another and the multitude of planned outages and issues that come with these processes. The cloud removes all of these issues, increase capacity, cores, storage, processors with a click… Simple!
Build Business Redundancy With Com2
Build A High Availability Business
If your business is looking to link multiple sites via a data network that simultaneously delivers performance, reliability, unlimited capacity and redundancy built into its core then you are looking for a Data Centre and Co-location service. Data Centres deliver a highly connected environment whilst delivering reductions in business costs and driving business continuity.
Plan For A Disaster & Succeed In Business
When you are focusing on your businesses IT strategy, you should have the advice from one of Com2’s design specialists who can assist you to deploy your business in the cloud. Cloud services and colocation simply means moving your core systems and applications into an environment that lets you put your mind at ease that if there was a catastrophic event in your business, the primary services and information your business relies on are only a click away.
Disaster Recovery Made Simple
Disaster recovery is a simple process of ensuring your business has the capabilities to keep running if your main business premises suffered fire, flood, storm or some other ever that takes that property off line. If your site went off line, where would the calls go, how would you access your systems, how long would it take you to get back to business and making money? This is where Com2 can help.